Awareness Meeting in A Convergence mode on 09.05.2023 as part of Action Research in Farm Diversification
An awareness meeting to the farmers of Golanukonda was organized under the able guidance of Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director & University Head by project team of EEI with convergence approach in coordination with the officials of state department of agriculture on 09.05.2023 with the following agenda to enlighten farmers on integrated farming.
- Orientation to the project & project objectives.
- Importance of farm diversification
- Activities done so far in the village as part of facilitation
- Introduction to mesh against monkey menace
- Demand driven services
- Orientation to alternate crops & local diversification models along with farmers feedback
- Orientation to the departmental schemes of Animal Husbandry, Sericulture & Horticulture
- Sample selection
Dr. Sunitha, Asst. Professor, AICRP on vertebrate pest management addressing the farmers on usage of mesh against monkey menace
Dr. A. Sailaja, Professor, EEI creating an awareness of the action research project and its objectives to the gathered farmers. All line department officials are also seen on the dias.
Dr. D. Shireesha, Asst. Professor, EEI, distributing mesh as a demo unit to an innovative farmer.
EEI organized Consultancy Training Programme in Coordination with NFDB, Hyderabad on Promotion and Formation of FFPOs-CBBOs from 9th – 10th May, 2023
A consultancy training programme was organized by EEI for middle level extension clientele of fisheries department of South Indian states from 9th – 10th May, 2023 with the following objectives.
- To create awareness on roles and responsibilities of CBBOs/Producer Organizations/Promotion Organizations
- To Provide knowledge on registration modalities for FPOs- Governance & Compliance aspects in FPOs- – Roles & responsibilities of CEO & BoDs
- To Create awareness on Business plan and finding out opportunities end to end
- To Create awareness on formulating a perspective business plan for FPOs – Developing Demand-Based Production and Marketing Plans and Financial Planning
The Content encompassed the following topics
- Roles and Responsibilities of CBBOs/Producer Organizations/Promotion Organizations (POPIs) (Cluster Identification, Baseline Survey, Feasibility Study, Identification of Business Opportunities- Strategies for Mobilization)
- Registration modalities for FPOs- Governance & Compliance aspects in FPOs – Role & responsibilities of CEO & BoDs
- Creating of Business plan and finding out opportunities end to end (Demand and Supply Gap, Value Chain Based Opportunities and Business Mix Relating to Input Supply, Extension and Technology, Contract Farming, Processing and Marketing, Trading/ Export )
- Formulating a Perspective Business Plan for FPOs – Developing Demand-Based Production and Marketing Plan Financial Planning: Breakeven Analysis, Assessment of Investment and Working Capital Requirement, Sources of Funds – Equity Grant, Bank Loan, Credit Linked Subsidy and Credit Guarantee – Way forward
- The training methodology included presentation by eminent speakers/experts, Interim Interactive sessions, Interim Group discussions, Individual and Group assignment
A Practical visit to Taruni FPO by NCDC, Hyderabad was also organized
Dr. M. Jagan Mohan Reddy, Director, EEI, addressing participants during inaugural session of consultancy programme on Promotion and Formation of FFPOs – CBBOs
Dr. (Smt.) Suvarna Chandrappagari, IFS, Chief Executive, NFDB, Hyderabad addressing the participants during inaugural session
A three day interstate training programme on “e-Trading/e-NAM” was organized at EEI, Hyderabad to Extension Functionaries of Department of Agricultural Marketing and Agribusiness of Tamil Nadu State from 15.05.2018 to 17.05.2018. Read More..
Faculty Research :
- Action Research on Extension Methodologies in the adopted village
- Development and Assessment of EEI training modules
- Assessment of e-Readiness of Extension functionaries of Southern India
- Documentation and analysis of successful Extension Models in Public and Private sectors
Consultancy services during the year 2013-14
Consultancy services during the year 2011-12
- Study on Impact Evaluation on BT cotton in Andhra Pradesh 2010-11
- 3rd Party Evaluation of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) Agriculture Sector Projects 2010-11
- Capacity Building cum Follow up on SRI – System of Rice Intensification to the officials and farmers of Andhra Pradesh
- 3rd Party Evaluation of Fisheries Sector projects under Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) in Andhra Pradesh for 2010-11
a. Evaluation and Impact studies Consultancy services during the year 2010-11 (Completed)
- Third party monitoring and evaluation of ATMA in Andhra Pradesh for 2009-10
- 3rd Party Evaluation of Fisheries Sector projects under Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) in Andhra Pradesh for 2009-10
- 3rd Party Evaluation of Agriculture Sector projects under Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) in Andhra Pradesh for 2009-10
- 3rd Party Evaluation of Community Managed Organic Farming in Rainfed Areas under Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY) in Andhra Pradesh for 2009-10
- 3rd Party Monitoring and Evaluation of one ATMA district of Andaman & Nicobar Islands for 2009-10.
- Evaluation Report on Implementation of High Value Agriculture (HVA) Programme in Andaman & Nicobar Islands for 2010-11
i). Consultancy training programmes during the year 2009-10
- MoU with Orissa: A memorandum of understanding between the Director, Agriculture & Food Production, Govt. of Orissa and the Director, Extension Education Institute (EEI), Hyderabad was signed on 11-05-2009 at EEI Training Hall for conducting ten (10) training programmes on “Operationalisation of ATMA” for the Officers of Directorate of Agriculture & Food Production, Govt. of Orissa with a budget proposal of Rs.1,39,920/-
- Consultancy training programmes on Operationalization of ATMA & SREP (10 PROGRAMMES) FOR Officers of Dept. of Agriculture, Orissa at EEI to a total of 256 departmental officers
- Operationalization of ATMA &SREP Batch-I (August 3-8, 2009) to 29 participants
- Operationalization of ATMA & SREP Batch-II August 17-22, 2009 to 26 participants
- Opeartionalization of ATMA & SREP Batch-III August 31- September 5, 2009 to 23 participants
- Opeartionalization of ATMA & SREP Batch-IV September, 14-19, 2009, to 27 participants
- Opeartionalization of ATMA & SREP Batch-V October,5-10, 2009 to 29 participants
- Opeartionalization of ATMA & SREP Batch-VI October,19-24, 2009 to 23 participants
- Opeartionalization of ATMA & SREP Batch-VII October,26-31, 2009, to 26 participants
- Opeartionalization of ATMA & SREP Batch-VIII November,9-14, 2009 to 27 participants
- Opeartionalization of ATMA & SREP Batch-IX November,16-21, 2009 to 22 participants
- Consultancy training programme on “Extension methodologies in IPDM in coconut” for village Captains and Agriculture Officers of car Nicobar district, UT of Andaman and Nicobar Islands from 8th-12th June, 2009 to 34 officers organized by Department of Agriculture, UT of Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
- A training proramme on “ Accounts and Service Matters for the Teachers /Scientists of ANGRAU” was organized by Extension Education Institute and Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University from 29th June-4th july,2009 to 29 officers of ANGRAU
- Coordinated with AP Bio-diversity Board, Hyderabad and organized a state level workshop on “Invasive Alien Species- A great threat to agriculture” on May 19th 2009 at ANGRAU Campus (with budget of Rs.2.09 lakh)
- Training programmes (5) on “SRI-Systems of Rice intensification” organized from 27th to 31st December 2010 to 262 farmers of Andhra Pradesh
- Training programmes (7) on “SRI-Systems of Rice intensification” organized from 3rd to 9th January 2011 to 315 Adarsha Rythulu (Progressive Farmers) of Andhra Pradesh State
- Training programmes (3) on “SRI-Systems of Rice intensification” organized 10th to 12th January 2011 to 79 SRI Practicing Skilled Labour of Andhra Pradesh State
- Training programmes (9) on “SRI-Systems of Rice intensification” organized 18th January to 5th February 2011 to 227 Agriculture Department Officers of Andhra Pradesh State
- A refresher training programme on “Communication Skills for Training Management” organized for the from 25th to 27th September, 2010 to 20 Scientists of DAATTCs and KVKs of ANGRAU
- A refresher training programme on “Communication Skills for Training Management” conducted for the from 2nd to 4th December, 2010 to 20 Programme Coordinators of KVKs of Andhra Pradesh
- An On-campus Workshop on “Process Documentation and Impact Evaluation Methodologies” conducted for the from 17th to 19th February, 2011 to 21 Scientists of KVKs of Andhra Pradesh.
ii). Consultancy training programmes during the year 2008-09
During the year the following initiatives were taken in providing consultancy training services.
- Coordinated with AP Bio-diversity Board, Hyderabad and organized a state level workshop on “Invasive Alien Species- A great threat to agriculture” on May 19th 2009 at ANGRAU Campus (with budget of Rs.2.09 lakh)
- Partnership with ICRISAT led project on “Livelihood Enhancement Through Integrated Agricultural Development” launched in Mahaboobnagar district, A.P. during the month of February 2009.
- Dr. R. Ratnakar, Professor, EEI participated as a mission member on International Consultancy Team for 21 days from 6th to 31st October, 2008 on “Preparation of medium sized project proposal for GEF Trust Fund”. the institute earned 45 percent of the fund involved in the preparation of the project proposal (Rs 1,47,000/-). EEI is likely to be a partner in the project, which is to be launched in seven drought prone districts of Andhra Pradesh.
- Dr. M. Surya Mani, Professor, EEI organized a refresher training programme for Chattisgarh Tribal Development Officers, NGOs and progressive farmers on Farmer Field Schools (FFS) on deputation to PRDIS from 9th to 20th January, 2009.
- Documentation of ATMA success stories for 2008-09 in English and Telugu
iii). Training Programmes under consultancy organized during 2007-08
- Training Programme on “Financial and Administrative Issues including labour laws and filing of labour cases”, for Heads of Research Stations of ANGRAU” 23rd to 28th July, 2007 to 25 Participants
- Training Programme on “Financial Management and Administration for the Administrative staff of ANGRAU”, 14th to 20th February, 2008 to 27 participants
- Training Programme on “Market Led Extension” in collaboration with MANAGE , Rajendranagar,Hyderabad, 25th to 29th February, 2008 to 25 Participants
- Inter – State training programme on “SRI in Paddy for the farmers of Maharashtra State from March-April, 2008. (6 Programmes with 50 in each batch) 300 participants
- Inter state training programme on “SRI in Paddy for the farmers of Maharashtra state from 25th to 26th March, 2008 (in coordination with ICRISAT) to 48 farmers