EEI at a glance

The Extension Education Institute, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad established in 1962 is a premier regional institute for training middle level extension personnel of Southern India and is financed by the Directorate of Extension, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India and is under the Administrative   control of  Professor Jayashankar Telangana State  Agricultural University (PJTSAU). EEI offers efficient, reliable and cost effective solutions to meet the emerging challenges in agriculture and allied sectors, by designing, and fine tuning need based training programmes to the line department officials of client states and union territories.

The institute is specialized to cater to the training needs of middle level extension functionaries of line departments (Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development, Fisheries, Sericulture, Agril. Engineering, Forestry, Industries, Agril. Marketing, Soil & Water conservation, SAUs & SAMETs)   of client states viz., Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha, and Union Territories of Puducherry, Andaman, Nicobar and Lakshadweep Islands. Besides this, the trainers of training institutes like FTCs, KVKs and Master trainers of PJTSAU are trained at this institute. EEI is bestowed with experienced faculty in different areas of training with excellent knowledge and communication skills. The institute is well-equipped with state of art facilities to meet the training requirements of the clientele.

EEI as a guiding force shapes the personal and professional outlook of the extension officers of client states and UTs and never stops going that extra mile ahead in providing greater value to the training in terms of quality, quantity and client satisfaction by following a highly application oriented and participative style of training. The flagship quality of the institute is that the training content is designed in line with the workforce requirement of client states and UTs.

Apart from the prescheduled programmes, EEI also coordinates with esteemed organizations like MANAGE, SAMETIs, ICRISAT, NAARM, CRIDA, NIPHM, NIRD, ASCI, TSCAB, IIOR, IIMR, IIRR, Biodiversity Board of Telangana, NGOs etc. to provide training to extension functionaries on recent advancements in agri. and allied enterprises. Till date i.e., upto March, 2022, the institute trained 36,684 development officers of client states & UTs. To meet current demands, EEI also undertakes need based consultancy services viz., monitoring, evaluation and impact studies on development programmes of the state and centre.

Mandate of the Institute

  • To improve the skills and professional competency of extension functionaries of Development Departments, State Agricultural Universities, Private firms and Voluntary organizations.

  • To demonstrate most effective training techniques useful for the personnel working in Development Departments.

  • To conduct action research and publish information on extension systems.

  • To provide consultancy to development agencies.


Management Committee

A management committee under the chairmanship of the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Jayashakar Telangana State Agricultural University with representatives from DoE, GoI, Line departments of client states, MANAGE, ICAR, Ministry of Rural Development, SAMETIs and farmers from client states as its members meet twice a year to review and fine tune the capacity building activities to help in effective functioning of institute. Director, EEI is the Member Secretary.

Academic Committee

An academic committee was constituted with the following members viz., two officials representing from DoE, GoI, Director of Extension, PJTSAU, Director (HRD), MANAGE, any other Director, MANAGE and Director, EEI to finalize and approve the training calender of EEI from the year 2015 onwards.

Training Programmes

EEI, Hyderabad organizes On-campus and Off-campus training programmes, designed on the basis of the training needs of middle level extension functionaries of client states with a view to improve the overall socio-economic status of farming community with extension backstopping.